Dead Space

Dead Space

DeadSpaceCover “The real standout is the use of sound, which is designed to send shivers up the player’s spine. Whether it’s the skittering through the walls of Necromorphs that are crawling towards you, the screams from the creatures as you blow off their legs, or the sudden sharp noises released as a jump moment occurs, the sound design is fantastic and really draws you into the game action. This is one of those games that you want to just listen to late at night with the lights off if you’re looking to get freaked out.” “What really rounds out the entire experience, however, is the incredible sound design. Throughout the halls of the Ishimura…you are constantly surrounded by the menacing noises they produce or the eerie pitter-patter they make as they crawl through the ventilation shafts. You’ll occasionally hear the distant screams of Necromorph victims or the creepy singing of a mentally unbalanced survivor, and environmental effects such as those generated by the sudden release of a burst of steam will keep you on the edge of your seat.”